so i started this blog because i miss blogging... and because (especially during finals) i find myself frequently bothering those around me with distracting emails about any tangent that happens to cross my mind. in an effort to allow them to return to their semi-normal lives, i have created this blog, where i intend to return whenever i feel the urge to email one of my unfortunate friends (or friend, as the case may be). i may change the title... it's making my fiancee rather nervous.
i am currently working on my last final, a paper, the worst, most difficult, most trying paper i have ever attempted, which consists of an examination of the nature of discontinuity between the seen/manifest and the real/unseen truth in the hebrew scriptures and james' the turn of the screw. i'm pretty much dying here, waiting for a call back from my professor and trying desperately to finish at least a decent chunk of it by 7:30 so i can go to good friday services, since my aforementioned fiancee is carting me off out of town on easter. which is also bad because we'll still be gone when my paper is due. i'm sure you'll hear more about this later.
i suppose i should get going on my paper again....
until (much) later (i hope),