30 March 2005



I now love Cramer-Krasselt. You know that monkeys commercial for career builder? yeah, theirs. Check out more at their website. Back to work....

Blogger Buzz

Blogger Buzz: "Ozzie Osbourne: 'Tonight I'm heading down to Fountain Studios in London to hang out with my wife on the set of X-Factor, a new television show that she's doing with Simon Cowell, from American Idol. I'm taking my jellybeans, and hopefully I'll be close enough to pelt Cowell in the back of the head with some.'"

now that, my friend, is awesome blogging...

when it's over

woo hooo! It's finally over! I turned in my paper this morning. big sigh. I don't even care if she doesn't like it (well, not that much). I'm just glad it's done. Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to do about next quarter... hmmm...

29 March 2005

finished... almost

so I think I finished the James part. Now I just have to make it look good together (read: make a conclusion and maybe some sort of intro). ugh... so close...

I am a masterful procrastinator

So I'm skipping my own small group to work on my paper tonight... to bad I can't apply myself better... oh, yeah, I'm back in so cal.. I got severely distracted by a reference to some guy named seven on a totally random page... courious enough to see if there could actually be two sevens in this world, I had to try to track it... which I did. very scarry. the seven I know is much cooler. and less scarry.

so anyway, I don't think I'm going to finish this paper tonight. maybe. you never know. I'm about a third of the way through with the second half. totally feel like I'm missing something... like sleep. ha. I'll be so happy when this whole thing is over....

the paper takes over ....  Posted by Hello

writing my paper on the windows...  Posted by Hello

driving through vegas, baby! Posted by Hello

27 March 2005


so this is easter. today we leave for nv, my paper in shambles (at least its not my life anymore). in any case, I should probably post something long about easter and how God has really preped me this year to truely apprecaite his mercy and his justice in this great event, the cornerstone of our faith. but since most of you who read this already know all the drama (perhaps too well) I won't go into it now. I still have to get dressed to leave, afterall.
but I would like to say happy easter to everyone. wow... this is the first easter ever probably that I haven't gone to church. it feels so weird. if you're looking for a good read for today, go for the account of the last four days or so in the word on the street. Rob does a really good job of synthesizing the four gospel accounts. If I could only synthesize so well...

26 March 2005

this is a picture tom took of one of the wedding dresses I tried on over christmas vacay last year... seems so far away... Posted by Hello

edit that was actually christmas break this year... seems so long ago. I'm reluctant to post anything else ... such a fantasy picture...

my theatrics are wasted on you

so she likes my paper but it doesn't exactly satisfy the prompt (so that's what those three pages were...) so I have to reorder based on a close reading of specific passages, paying close attention to the qualities of language. all hope is not lost. also, I got an extension until Wedn. Praise be to God. I hope I can finish by then.... and do a good job... one condition is that I have to impress the hell out of her with my close reading... go team uk...

the disaster area that has become my work area Posted by Hello

phil 4:13

well, I can't say that I'm done with paper... not even close... but I can say that I think I finished the bit on James. Now I just have to find some sort of way to synthesis in my conclusion. This day pretty much sucks. Prof still hasn't called me back. I think my paper is so aweful, she's trying to find a nice way to let me down. let's hope that's not it. I don't think I can do another full re-write.

ugh. this is such a drinking moment. maybe I'll have the fiancee stop by the store so I can drown my sorrows in some ibc cream soda.

its not you, it's the paper

in the last four tortuous hours as I've been awaiting a return call from the prof and trying desperatly to muddle my way through the rest of the paper, i've thrown a tantrum, feined blindness, and become suseptable to random outbursts of less than plesant language.

the fiancee just shakes his head and says, 'it's not you, love, it's the paper'.

great. thanks.

couragiously (maybe) onward....

when it's over

my brain hurts. I started mapping out james, but I hate to go much further without some kind of confirmation that what I have in the scriptures is at least close to right. I just want it all to be over. ugh.
we have a cleaning lady now. she's really nice. she made my dad's room sparkle. needless to say, I'm impressed.
if only I could be impressed by my performance on this paper. I've never had to think so hard in all my life. I reread it before I sent the first half off to prof. The writing pretty much sucks. you can tell I'm flaying around for a point. what was my point again?


just got off the phone with the prof. she's going to call me back. of course I don't have any reception in the house. ugh. this paper is the bane of my existance. I know I say that about a lot of things, but this time it's true. At least it's strategic placement around Easter helps me to remember that, yes, even this is not as bad as what Christ did for me. a humbling thought...

some kind of impass

I just had an amazing spurt of genuis - thank you Jesus! it's an easter miiiricle comes to mind. In any case, as a bit of a reward, and (of course) as procrastination against going any further, well, here I am.
I don't want to call my prof because what if she's sleeping? what if she's not there and I have to leave another message? What if she's (gasp!) in the hospitol or something? wow... I'm getting paranoid. You must be rubbing off on me.
I guess I should return to my paper. ugh.

25 March 2005

i'm using you to avoid doing my paper

it's cold in my house. too bad writing this paper doesn't make me warmer... just more frustrated. i just clicked through probably 30 or 40 "next blog"s. it's suprising how many blogs have been taken over by even corporate/scam type things... luckily this blog provides a much needed refuge from all that.

tom thinks he wants to do a podcast... we've been inspired by dan and hudson klass at the bitterest pill . you should listen. he's pretty funny.

as long as I'm linking to avoid doing my paper, check out dcfc front man Ben's solo project all-time quarterback's video for plans get complex . While you're there, you can also check out the video for the decemberist's song "16 military wives" (if you have picaresque, the song is called 16 by 32).

i guess that's all for me.... i better get back to my paper

good friday is good

just got back from good friday service. if you're in oc and looking for a church, you should try ROCKharbor. easter service is at the oc county fairgrounds. as always, it was a very powerful message.... talked about the difference between mercy and justice (such a tie in to my paper... either God is mocking me or he's trying to help. I'd like to think it's the latter)... as in, God sent Jesus b/c of his mercy, but forgives us (or rather, we are forgiven) b/c of his justice, meaning he can't charge us twice and our sins have already been covered.

anyway, I emailed my professor again in a desperate attempt to get her to at least acknowledge anything about my paper... I would be satisfied with another "sweetie, I think we need to try again." But no, nothing. How many times can I leave a message on her home machine before it becomes undignified? If I ever finish this paper...


so i started this blog because i miss blogging... and because (especially during finals) i find myself frequently bothering those around me with distracting emails about any tangent that happens to cross my mind. in an effort to allow them to return to their semi-normal lives, i have created this blog, where i intend to return whenever i feel the urge to email one of my unfortunate friends (or friend, as the case may be). i may change the title... it's making my fiancee rather nervous.

i am currently working on my last final, a paper, the worst, most difficult, most trying paper i have ever attempted, which consists of an examination of the nature of discontinuity between the seen/manifest and the real/unseen truth in the hebrew scriptures and james' the turn of the screw. i'm pretty much dying here, waiting for a call back from my professor and trying desperately to finish at least a decent chunk of it by 7:30 so i can go to good friday services, since my aforementioned fiancee is carting me off out of town on easter. which is also bad because we'll still be gone when my paper is due. i'm sure you'll hear more about this later.

i suppose i should get going on my paper again....

until (much) later (i hope),
