31 October 2005

ubc waco
yesderday pastor Kyle Lake was electrocuted at university baptist church in waco, texas. You may be more familiar with ubc as "david crowder's church." Kyle's book "understanding God's will" was one my favorites from the last year, and it is hard to believe that such a young man of God is gone after just getting started.

How fragile life is. How little we know our appointed time and hour. How vibrantly we should embrace the time that we have. my heart is heavy for his wife and his family.

20 October 2005

driving: part one: classical music

When my sister and I still lived together,
we imagined excuses for escaping
into my 93 Geo prizm,
all the windows down,
classical concertos blaring.
Relishing all the sideways glances
as our fingers twittered
through the passing currents.
We were not made
for such a town as this.

03 October 2005

i'm not a good blogger

so while the rest of my professional life hangs in limbo, my blogging skills are prooving themselves unworthy.

I just realized its already october, which means that I need to start editing the october issue. crud. and i have to go to the dmv today. double crud.

on the plus side, being married is great. and we're going to go visit Momma Teresa in a couple weeks. and then i'm going to have a pirate party for halloween. and i'm turning 21 in exactly a week.

i better get started.
