12 September 2007

crazy pants

a few reflections:

last week I worked a whopping 45 hours just at kaplan, teaching two classes, tutoring a plethera of students, prepping and proctoring and driving here there and everywhere. On top of that, the bakery got the account with Margies, which means we are baking more than ever. Early mornings and late nights make for a very sleepy mel. On one side, I know that I need to work this much if we have any hope at all of making rent next month... on the other, I just want a nap.

before things got so busy, I read all seven harry potter books in two weeks. they were amazing and I walked around in a daze for several days after finishing seven, not quite sure what to do with my life anymore. luckily the business of everything has solved that problem for me.

building plans for the bakery are sort of at a stand still, as I have had zero time to further investigate anything.

The Block Party is friday... only two days away, and we are not ready. We are closer to being ready than we were last weekend, but there is still a lot that needs to be done, and not very much time to do it in.

Now that Tom is back in school, we're back to missing eachother. I'm sometimes around in the day while he's in class, but have to take off as soon as he gets out. I wish there was a better way to work things.

Lately I've been reflecting on how I'm not doing much reflecting anymore. I only got back from Peru a few weeks ago, and already the exprience seems lost or, at the very least, hibernating. Have I significantly applied anything that I've learned, or thought about anything at all? I don't think being broke counts as application, since it is by no means intentional.

I'm happy that it's finally fall, my most favorite of all seasons, even if I don't have many opportunities to enjoy it. Tom and I have taken to wearing our chuyos around in the mornings when we bake. It gives me hope.

Hope. That which I must cling to.


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