29 June 2007

Well, I’m back in the states, as most of you know. I turned in my two weeks notice my first day back at work, Wednesday, and now mostly spend my time at work reading back issues of features on McSweeney’s. In fact, this is generally what my work day looks like:

8:30 – should be at work but am actually still several streets away
8:40 – get to work, log in to computer, stare into space while it loads
8:50 – open outlook and delete junk mail
9:00 – open firefox, read gmail, begin with McSweeney’s online
11:30 – take a break from McSweeney’s to make tomorrow’s log, pretty much my only job function
1:00 – go to lunch
1:40-ish – come back from lunch. Commence McSweeney’s reading
3:00 – take break from McSweeney’s to answer ringing phone. It’s a telemarketer.
4:45 – finish McSweeney’s story I’m on, begin shut down procedure

I am still trying to sort out everything from Peru. I suppose I should be spending some of the free time I have at work trying to process, but this isn’t really a very conducive environment for that. I am trying to get pictures posted… I am hoping over the weekend that will successfully happen. I am trying to caption them all so that you can see what happened.

So far possible “big lessons” – humility (because working with Zach wasn’t enough to pound that into my thick skull), joyful giving, hospitality. I’m also noticing that most everything around me (especially at work) is annoyingly excessive. Florescent lighting. Air conditioner. My 10 ball point pens. All the equipment. Radio in itself. Our office which is big and has carpeting and a door that locks. Two doors that lock, actually. Maybe three.


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