18 May 2007

largely noncomittal

Alas (and this is for Heather,) on this particular afternoon I am feeling not musey but rather worn out. Yesterday saw a spectacular display of strife that has come to exemplify my day-job life. Had my LSAT class not had a test last night, (meaning that I didn’t have to be there), I’m not sure what I would have done. Cried, probably.

This week has been odd, in that it has both been excruciatingly long, and terrifyingly fast. I am glad for it to be over, and excited for the Farmer’s Market tomorrow morning, but I still feel extremely unprepared. The sporadic rain torrents this afternoon didn’t help ease my anxiety, and I actually called Tom over my lunch break to see if he could/would research canopies for me. The main problem here is justifying this immense expenditure before my business realizes any true profit. Perhaps we will make a fortune tomorrow morning, and use that to buy one.

Sometime between tonight and tomorrow at 7:00, I still need to make and package the following:

Strawberry Marshmallows
Some kind of Scone (Tom’s rooting for the classic cranberry orange, I am noncommittal)
Some kind of Muffin (most likely some variation of an oatmeal/wheat recipe I found while aimlessly reading food blogs at work this week. I wish I could find it again to link here, they looked wonderful)
Cookies (I’d like to make Baked Strawberry Meringues, another find this week, but I wonder if I’ll have the patience at five o’clock tomorrow morning)

I also need to figure out packaging. Because I don’t have my special event license yet (read: I haven’t even downloaded the form) I need to package everything at the deli ahead of time. The trick here is doing it in such a way that still showcases the lovely colors and shapes of whatever I do end up taking. And it cuts down on the don’t-those-smell-too-good-to-pass-up factor, which is the best marketing out there.

I have, however, spent the last several weeks working on amassing display devices, from baskets to a fabulous hurricane candle holder-thingy for a mere fifty cents. And some wonderful vintage card tablecloths, which are just faded enough for me to not be upset if something awful happens to them.

In a final update before I post this, I just got off the phone with one of the coffee shops that I visited last week and it looks like they may be interested in having me custom make some goodies for them. Not a call I should have picked up at work. Man, I’ve got to trust my instincts to let it roll to voice mail.



Blogger Heather said...

Hooray for lack of muses ;)

And...hooray for knowing how the farmer's market turned out before I read this post ;)

I love you mellie sue!


10:11 PM  

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