30 April 2007

Thinking about the state of things

It’s not often that Tom and I meet a situation or a person with which we are truly uncomfortable. It’s hard for me to not see a lovely part of someone, and it seems as though God himself has taken me to great lengths to reveal to me the equal brokenness of each person (myself included). And yet still there are churches we have walked into and people within the christian community that we have met that leave us wondering how our faith can lead to what we’ve just witnessed. There are so many dynamics of this that have really left me thinking in the last week. The Church’s unbelievable alliance with the Republican party, and hence many Christian’s rejection of anything that could be labeled a ‘social program’ or ‘environmental responsibility’ or the like. Taking care of the environment and the communities that God has given us is a paramount teaching – how could so many be missing it so badly? And then there are those who take what we’re given just a little too far. It’s interesting to me how Christianity and, honestly, faith in general, can be so misused by so many, rather consciously or not. Faith is used to justify so much that really has little or nothing to do with what we are called to act out.

I believe that there is great hope for restoration. That there is much work to be done. But how do we sort out what we think we know and what we believe God or our pastor or the republican darling is telling us from what is the real, the honest, the God-truth. How do we reject the actions of our brothers and sisters without disowning them as brothers and sisters? How do we affirm someone’s life without affirming what they are doing with it? I have found it so hard to separate, and I fear that I will only continue to fall into the camp I want to escape from by rejecting those who could use the most love.

In other news, Tom dyed my hair a lovely shade of black (there’s a rumor going around work that it was dyed by pure evil seeping out of my skull) and it is gloriously warm here. Baking is still going great, work is tolerable, Peru is fast approaching. I’ll be getting more test prep classes, which will help with the money situation. All in all things are going great, praise God. Shalom is rich and flavorful.


20 April 2007

rbb update

wow, two posts in a week! amazing! just wanted to give a quick update... yesterday morning I officially got my health license, which means I can legally sell stuff from the deli for the real. it's exciting, and one of the last steps. thank you everyone for your awesome support. I couldn't have come this far without you!
... also, if you're in town you can continue that awesome support by stopping by the Salvador Deli on the corner of 9th and 8th downtown. For now, you can enjoy fresh from the oven goodies monday, wednesday, and friday, and less fresh but still delicious things all the other days. huzzah!
you can also find good things to eat at the Autism Yard-sale Fundraiser, which will be next Saturday, 28 April, at The Beetle. Maybe even... pineapple flower cupcakes? maybe. we'll see.


18 April 2007

nick drake makes me happy

This is a reminder, probably to myself, since, honestly, how many of you are still checking this? As an aside, I’m so ashamed for not writing in so long… but as I was saying, this is a reminder that things are not all bad. That good and wonderful things are happening every day. Today, for instance, I heard a lovely Nick Drake song as I was driving back to work from the Boulder Post Office, the windows down, the music loud, the sun so bright and warming. My friends are wonderful, baking is great, and my husband is more that I could ever think up and ask for. It’s true that these are trying times, especially when it comes to tricky things like medical insurance and car problems and needing to eat (such tiny things in the big plan…) but for the most part, I can feel the warmth of God raining down on me. I’m learning humility, and it is a horrible process, but it is wonderful to know that I am becoming more like my restored self every day. That’s something to keep moving towards. That and the inevitable and undeniable invasion of truly awe-some summer nights, with friends and drinks and good food, and fellowship that truly is.