settling is an interesting process.
yesterday while tom was gone i pulled most of the office together. tom built the desk, complete with lego-like cinderblocks. I put up the bookcase, set up the printer, dragged the bed in from the garage, stacked boxes I didn't want to work with. Nerd Town is coming together nicely, and it is unexpectedly fantastic to be able to type and work at an actual desk again. Who knew?
yesterday afternoon tom and I also began our 10 day trial of WoW Burning Crusade. It's nice to be playing again. So far it's only been with our new people, but I am excited to go back to Melleona, my all time favorite Dwarf Pally. She is pretty much awesome.
plus now that we have the desktop up and running again, I can listen to all my music from college that I nearly forgot I had. Nada Surf? Awesome. Aaron Sprinkle? Nice to know you're still here.
next week tom and I both have the whole week off, well, mostly, so we are really looking forward to playing WoW until we stink from not showering and have gained at least 10 pounds from all the snacking. ah... just like the good old days.
things are getting there. and that's something.
yesterday while tom was gone i pulled most of the office together. tom built the desk, complete with lego-like cinderblocks. I put up the bookcase, set up the printer, dragged the bed in from the garage, stacked boxes I didn't want to work with. Nerd Town is coming together nicely, and it is unexpectedly fantastic to be able to type and work at an actual desk again. Who knew?
yesterday afternoon tom and I also began our 10 day trial of WoW Burning Crusade. It's nice to be playing again. So far it's only been with our new people, but I am excited to go back to Melleona, my all time favorite Dwarf Pally. She is pretty much awesome.
plus now that we have the desktop up and running again, I can listen to all my music from college that I nearly forgot I had. Nada Surf? Awesome. Aaron Sprinkle? Nice to know you're still here.
next week tom and I both have the whole week off, well, mostly, so we are really looking forward to playing WoW until we stink from not showering and have gained at least 10 pounds from all the snacking. ah... just like the good old days.
things are getting there. and that's something.