17 May 2005

...and so that's when the mg is released from the nmda receptor...

so i'm supposed to be studdying for a bio midterm. the practice questions still aren't up, and the test is tomorrow. I just got home from coldstone with tom (to celebrate the end of his class... he just finished his astronomy final). this has been a crazy day. here's a (rather loose) summary of what happened.

12:30am - leave "Dear Frankie" at the University Edwards. Drive home.
2:00am - give up trying to read and go to sleep
5:00am - cell phone dies, making loud noises while doing so. wake up and re-insert into cradle, praying the alarm will go off at 6:30
6:30am - alarm goes off. in a tired-induced stupor, I snooze it.
6:35am - give up waiting for the snooze to go off and finally get up.
7:28am - leave the condo for the office.
7:45am - begin working.
8:00am - call Chris at UNC to ask what the heck is up with my transfer units. leave message on voice mail.
8:15am - make changes to website and submit for approval.
8:30am - leave for Jenn's to walk the pooch.
9:30am - arrive on campus. park far away. take homework with me. get in people's way for a while.
10:30am - finally give up helping and escape to the children's building to study for bio.
10:45am - Chris from UNC calls me back to explain that it's all a misunderstanding, and my major course acceptance sheet will come later.
11:00am - leave for uci.
11:30am - arrive on campus. proceed directly to Silver's office, where she asks how things are going with my dad and tells me the best way to go about writing my paper. Takes news of my possible departure better than I had expected.
12:00 - go to Dr Anson's office hours, be surrounded by students from the other class. I ask about LTP and explain my understanding of said process. she says it's good. I leave.
12:30 - my slavery and lit class begins. robert and i discuss the dynamics of the relationship between the evil guy who teaches the class before us and our own female prof. Why can't he ever clean off his own whiteboard?
2:00pm - get message from Jenn about needed change to daily news. call and worry about doing it but then realize i can go back to work.
2:15pm - go back to work.
3:15pm - realize i'm going to be late for my meeting with professor kroll. beg tom to take me so I don't have to look for a parking spot. he agrees.
3:40pm - meeting with kroll goes suprisingly well. only need to change a few stylistic things. leave happy.
4:30pm - arrive back at work. Jenn calls to see if I'll walk little bit. I agree.
4:40pm - leave to go to Jenn's
5:40pm - get back from Jenn's. Take tom to BK for some fast dinner before his final.
6:00pm - Jenn calls to see if i'll resend the daily news. I agree and go back to work.
6:30pm - send daily news. close up shop. tom leaves for his final, i go home to study for bio.
8:00pm - Harald calls me with brief crisis about phillipine pastor he's housing. I make phone calls but to no avail and finally call him back to tell him not to worry about it until tomorrow.
8:15pm - tom calls to tell me he's finished his test and is close by, would i like to go for ice cream. would i ever!?
8:50pm - finally buy and devour said ice cream. cake batter + oreo. yummy.
9:44pm - now. not sure what else has happened. tom's reverse lights come on when he turns on his car. it's kind of weird. I've been trying to study for bio. I'm going to be praying a lot durring this test. God always uses the hard sciences to bring me closer to him =)

I guess I'll get back to that. oy vey.


Blogger Beverly said...

hi lissa! hope your bio test went well. i love biology! ok. see you soon!
<3, me

12:29 AM  
Blogger Mel said...

=) it went okay. when are you back in town?

3:44 PM  
Blogger Beverly said...

i'm in town now, but my friend fawntia (who lives in oregon) came down to hang out for the week. so, i feel in charge of entertaining and such. i'm exhausted from driving us around town so much! :( i want to come visit you, but i still don't know where you live. and i need to call, but i can't find some free time to get a phone and call. maybe you should call me so i can interrupt whatever we might be doing. they'll be gone from my house on Wednesday... then we can hang out till i leave on sunday. :)

<3, bev

12:02 AM  

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