08 July 2005

it's after five on a friday and we're all loosing our minds

it's been a while since I've done a serious post, and this certainly isn't the time to begin. It is nice to see that the pictures are back up. I'm hoping I will still be able to use hello to post, because the pictures come out much better that way, and they have the pretty border. Maybe later I'll try to post a picture of Tom and I @ the Hollywood Bowl. We went on Wednesday night to see "video games live," which was really good, even if they didn't play anything from "secret of mana."

I think I had played a total of three of the games that they did songs from, so I always got excited when I heard something that I knew. And even the other ones were pretty good.

Last night, tom and I went to see apres vous, which is a very funny french film that you really should try to see if it's playing anywhere near you. Here's the website.

Today BECKY CAME TO WORK!!!! This is very exciting for Tom and I, who haven't seen Becky for ages, well, since saddleback's big thingy in Anaheim. Becky is one of Tom's attendents and she's totally awesome. For a great picture of Becky, be sure to check out Tom's blog (see link at right).

The conference begins with setup on Monday, but it seems so far away.... I mean, there's so much to do before then, mainly tom moving in to our new apartment. We now have a couch and a bed, and I can't wait to take pictures of the apartment on Sunday. I'll post them when I can.

Okay, that's enough not working. I'll get back to craziness now.

much love,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did they end up playing anyway? I'm totally jealous too, they never have any cool game stuff here.

7:56 PM  

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